Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"I never liked the taste of crow.."

Anyone that knows ANYTHING about me, knows I am completely anti-Taylor Swift.  I think she sounds horrible live, and it kinda makes my face turn red to even watch her perform.  I will admit that I have always said she was super talented only because she writes all her own I have given her a little credit..not much.  So when they announced on the ACMs that she was going to sing live, I said to myself "Good grief, here we go." 

OMG was I wrong.  I loved EVERYTHING and I do mean everything about this performance. Its probably one of my top 10 fav live performances   She sounded amazing...her set was something I would have picked out myself, and the wardrobe?  PERFECT!  Hair?  A fish-bone braid(my mom used to do my hair the same This is def my favorite TS song.  Not to mention she played the banjo the entire time.

So what will I have for breakfast?  Crow please...

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