Friday, April 8, 2011

April 9, 1984

Gregory David Sims was born on Sunday, April 9, 1984 at 7:29am.  He was born at Humana Hospital in Huntsville, AL.  Gregory weighed 3 lbs 13 oz and was 18 inches long.  He had blue eyes blonde hair and his attending physician was Dr. Don Wheeler.  The proud parents were Kay and Alton Sims. 

Kay was 29 years old when she gave birth to Greg.  She was only 6 and 1/2 months pregnant when she had him.  She had went to the Dr on Friday for her exam and then woke up early Sunday "not feeling right."  So she went down to the Dr's office and found out that she was dilated to 8 already!  Kay only pushed 2 times and Greg was here.  He only weighed a small 3lbs 13oz but was so cute and tiny!  He ended up having to stay in the hospital for over a month and was 3 weeks old when his parents held him for the first time.  Alton, Greg's dad ended up naming him Greg, because kay told him that if he didn't think of a name he was going to be "Alton Jr."  hahaha! 

At his first doctor's visit, which was May 15, 1984 he weighed 5 lbs 13oz.  He had only gained 2 lbs since he was born, but was doing well.  Looking through the calendar that Kay kept the first year of Greg's life, I found that on September 30, Greg crawled COMPLETELY off of his Mamma Hallie's bed!  On October 14, he found his feet!  November 11, was the first night he slept through the night.  November 14, was his first taste of solid food.  January 16, 1985 he had his first tooth!!!!!

When Greg was born, the doctors weren't even sure that he would live.  Thankfully he did, and forever changed my life for the better.  Just wanted to wish the best man I have ever known a Happy 27th birthday.  I love you Gregory!

the day he was born..look how small!
Greg and his mom sweet
his very first birthday cake...

Greg(in the blue) with his older sister Jennifer holding him.

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