Why a blog??
Do I really think that my life is that interesting that someone would want to read about it? Probably not! BUT, since I have family/friends all over and they are constantly asking "whats new" I decided this way they can actually see what I am talking about.
What do I love??
I love photography. I love anything old. I love reading and baking. I love to abbreviate anything possible.. I love to buy furniture and completely re-do it. I love anything southern EX: country music, pies, old farm houses, magnolias, blue-grass music, etc. I love to take naps and do cross words. I love to laugh and not take life too seriously. I am super addicted to Ebay and Craigslist...I could stay up for DAYS looking at either.
Who am I??
I was born and raised in Maryville, Tennessee. I am a sister to one old brother who is married to "the cake lady". Patricia makes the BEST cakes in the world, and actually made my wedding cake. I work for the DAs office, and love it. My job keeps me laughing and learning every single day. I am a nurse. Even though I don't work as a nurse, I graduated from nursing school in 2009. I am a second shooter for a local wedding photographer. I take pictures almost every single day of something. I have too much energy for my own good and it tends to get me in trouble. HA! I am a daughter to the best parents in the world. Their 33rd wedding anniversary was this past year and I am sure if my dad was still alive he would have planned something creative and fun for them to do for their anniversary. My dad passed away December 1, 2007, and it changed my life and the way I look at things. I try not and dwell on the fact that he is gone, but on the fact that he was here and how much I loved him. I am a "new" (wouldn't call it new anymore, we have almost been married a year) wife to one of the sweetest husbands in the world. How I ever got a man that kind and giving I will never understand. I guess I am a resident of the state of Alabama now. Ew. No seriously, once you have been spoiled by Eastern Tennessee, NOTHING else is good enough.
Whats to come next?
I have a TON of furniture to re-do this spring. Dressers, tables, chairs, etc. I have 4 weddings this summer to shoot, one of my "besties" is starting a garden and wants me to do some "photo-journalism" pictures of it for her new blog. We have recently bought a camper and rented a space at a campground in Guntersville, AL where Gregs parents camp. In the mix of all of this, Greg and I are adding on an addition to the house, so I am sure there will be plenty of stories about things we have destroyed!!
So blog?? Yes, please....
I don't do enough furniture to have a Furniture blog, and don't do enough pictures to have a Photography blog. So I figure I will just mix them all together, and tell a little bit about whats going on in life so I don't have to catch up so much when I finally see my family! I have so many things and people I would love to talk about, and a BLOG is the best way to do it.
I hope you enjoy my blogs. I can't say I will do one every single day, because some days there aren't enough hours in the day.
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