Friday, April 15, 2011

My Favorite's Birthday!


9 years ago today, one of my favorite things was born.  MOP!  She was born Maddie May, and was bought by an older lady.  Apparently the lady wasn't ready for as dog, and she mistreated, abused, and neglected her.  There was a kind lady that lived beside the older lady, and saw how little Mop was being mistreated.  She went to the ladie's front door and asked if she could buy "Maddie" from her.  The older lady agreed and got "Maddie" that minute!  I happened to see this dog at a gas station back in Maryville, and told the lady how cute she was.  The lady told me the puppies story, and I knew I had to have her.  The lady was willing to sale her to me on the spot, and I was so excited!!  One problem, I was still living at home with my parents.  I didnt even ask them!!  So I just took her home.  I walked through the door, and sat Mop down and she ran over to my dad (the one I knew I was going to have to convience I really NEEDED her) and sat under his feet.  He looked down and said "oh no, its one of those damn mop dogs"!  she sat there, wagging her tail, and I knew dad was hooked...he reached over and patted her head and said "i think I can hang out with you."  Thats when she became Mop.

After my dad got really sick and had to go on disability from work, he was at home with Mop alone all day.  They bonded and took naps together.  She would sleep with her head on top of my dad's shoe like it was a pillow.  He introduced her to apples, and to this day she can hear you cutting one, and completely flipps out, and you HAVE to give her a piece. 

I can remember once, when my dad was talking with my mom about something, he was "telling" Mop, "you are the only one who understands me Mop.  Nobody else does"  He had the same sense of humor I did.

Not long after my dad passed away, my mom and I would catch Mop going to my dads bedroom and barking, looking for him.  Still sometimes when we go to my moms in Tennessee, she still barks at where he used to sleep, trying to "get his attention"

I think half of my bond with Mop is the fact that my dad loved her so much and she loved him that much or more in return.  I am glad she decided to divorce her husband Swiffer and move to Alabama with me!  Mop, we love you very much and hope you have a WONDERFUL 9th birthday!

Mop's birthday pic 2011
Mop 2009

Mop 2010
 Mop with her OWN suitcase

 Mop @ Christmas as an "Elf" and "Santa"

Mop with Greg, Jan 2011

Mop & her "bestie" Carlos

Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Greg's birthday weekend"

Friday night was mexican/margaritas & bowling.  Greg thought that Friday night was his actual party.  It was 4 of us.  Greg, Jamie, Fuqua and myself.

Saturday night, little did he know, I had been planning a SURPRISE birthday for him!  I had invited his closest friends, ordered a cake, and made a reservation at his favorite bar called LeeAnns.  Its in downtown Huntsville, and during the weekends they have live bands.  It was going to be perfect!

It was a little complicated to try and get all his friends together, and him at the same time.  Thankfully, I had Jamie to help get him to Lee Anns and Greg was SO surprised!!  Thanks to everyone that came and made it so wonderful!  We love you guys.  After LeeAnns everyone came to our house to continue the celebration.....Late night...

Sunday afternoon, Greg and his whole family (yes there were 16 of us) ate at a restaurant called "Top O' The River"  Its in Guntersville, AL, and they have the most amazing food I have ever tasted.  They serve a little of everything.  Catfish to chicken to collard greens to fried pickles!  Everything I tasted was AMA-ZING!  Yum.  Here are a couple of pictures from the weekend!

Friday night @ Coyote


Saturday night...this is his SURPRISED face!

Yummy cake!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011


1. A stringed musical instrument with a long neck and a round open-backed body consisting of parchment stretched over a metal hoop like a tambourine, played by plucking or with a plectrum.

Yes, I did buy a 6string banjo.  Anyone who knows about banjos knows that a "true banjo" only has 4 strings, sometimes five, the fifth one you pluck with your thumb.  So why does this one have 6?  Its so that someone who knows how to play the guitar, can also "play the banjo".  It sounds like a banjo, but you play it like a guitar! 

I am looking to buy an actual banjo from a guy in Athens, because I am signed up for lessons starting in June.  If anyone would like to take lessons with me, I would LOVE it!  You can find cheap banjos on craigslist ALL the time!  Just let me know and I can get you the info!

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 9, 1984

Gregory David Sims was born on Sunday, April 9, 1984 at 7:29am.  He was born at Humana Hospital in Huntsville, AL.  Gregory weighed 3 lbs 13 oz and was 18 inches long.  He had blue eyes blonde hair and his attending physician was Dr. Don Wheeler.  The proud parents were Kay and Alton Sims. 

Kay was 29 years old when she gave birth to Greg.  She was only 6 and 1/2 months pregnant when she had him.  She had went to the Dr on Friday for her exam and then woke up early Sunday "not feeling right."  So she went down to the Dr's office and found out that she was dilated to 8 already!  Kay only pushed 2 times and Greg was here.  He only weighed a small 3lbs 13oz but was so cute and tiny!  He ended up having to stay in the hospital for over a month and was 3 weeks old when his parents held him for the first time.  Alton, Greg's dad ended up naming him Greg, because kay told him that if he didn't think of a name he was going to be "Alton Jr."  hahaha! 

At his first doctor's visit, which was May 15, 1984 he weighed 5 lbs 13oz.  He had only gained 2 lbs since he was born, but was doing well.  Looking through the calendar that Kay kept the first year of Greg's life, I found that on September 30, Greg crawled COMPLETELY off of his Mamma Hallie's bed!  On October 14, he found his feet!  November 11, was the first night he slept through the night.  November 14, was his first taste of solid food.  January 16, 1985 he had his first tooth!!!!!

When Greg was born, the doctors weren't even sure that he would live.  Thankfully he did, and forever changed my life for the better.  Just wanted to wish the best man I have ever known a Happy 27th birthday.  I love you Gregory!

the day he was born..look how small!
Greg and his mom sweet
his very first birthday cake...

Greg(in the blue) with his older sister Jennifer holding him.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

"I never liked the taste of crow.."

Anyone that knows ANYTHING about me, knows I am completely anti-Taylor Swift.  I think she sounds horrible live, and it kinda makes my face turn red to even watch her perform.  I will admit that I have always said she was super talented only because she writes all her own I have given her a little credit..not much.  So when they announced on the ACMs that she was going to sing live, I said to myself "Good grief, here we go." 

OMG was I wrong.  I loved EVERYTHING and I do mean everything about this performance. Its probably one of my top 10 fav live performances   She sounded amazing...her set was something I would have picked out myself, and the wardrobe?  PERFECT!  Hair?  A fish-bone braid(my mom used to do my hair the same This is def my favorite TS song.  Not to mention she played the banjo the entire time.

So what will I have for breakfast?  Crow please...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"We're going to the Chapel and We're Gonna Get Married...."

I had the awesome priviledge to get to take some pictures of one of my best friend's wedding shower.  Her future hubby and my husband are close friends, which makes it even better!  They are truly you can tell by all the wonderful gifts.  Congrats guys.  I love you both!

 Peggy Ann Petits Fours =Amazing

 So blessed!

 Tiffanie Parsons...sounds good!
 "Chris, Tiffanie, Bryce, Braden"
 So sweeeet!
Tiffanie & MOB

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Achieving a Perfect Marriage"

Is there such thing as a perfect marriage?  According to the service I heard Sunday morning at church, its achievable.  We were asked by Greg's aunt to come and "visit" her new church.  We were a little apprehensive because we go to a Baptist church and they attend Chase Park Church of Christ.  But she told us that there was going to be a guest speaker, and he was going to talk about "Achieving a Perfect Marriage" so we were THERE!  We knew we needed all the advice we could get seeing as how we are a new married couple.
The guest speaker was a black Church of Christ preacher.  If anyone knows anything about COC, they know that the preachers are more soft spoken and calm.  They usually don't move out from behind the pulpit unlike a Baptist preacher who might jump the pews at any time! So when this older black preacher stepped up on the stage I knew it was going to be good, and it was.  He talked with such emotion and love for his wife and children, I never even realized the whole time he was speaking I was smiling...

So what are the keys to a perfect marriage??  I'll tell you what I was told...there are 5 things you can do to make your marriage work

1.  Work everyday to repair the "cracks" in the foundation of your marriage.  "Cracks" can happen at any time and to any couple.  3 ways to fix the cracks? 1.  Stay and be committed to your marriage.  No matter what, know that YOU WILL STAY TOGETHER.  2.  Make sure you have a desire for each other.  3.  Make sure you have a plan/vision for your relationship.  EX:  make it your goal to make your spouse as happy as possible.

2.  Create a "warm and fuzzy feeling".  ( when someone says Greg Sims in my presence, it should make me smile..always)  how do we create that feeling???  1.  complement each other daily.  2.  live by "Peter Principals"(read the book of Peter from the bible.)

3.  Work to keep the marriage smelling "fresh"  When he said "smelling fresh" he was talking about when you are around others, they know that you two are in love.  Always keep in mind that what you say to one another will haunt you forever.  How do we do that?  1.  "Die to Self"  Stop being so SELFISH!!  Have your life be more about what you can do for others, rather than what they can do for YOU.  2.  Best way to show your marriage is Christian based, is to illustrate the Christian way of life.  Treat each other how you would like to be treated.

4.  There are certain "Erosion Factors" to avoid.  1.  "gas lighting"-i am sure you are thinking what the heck?  gas lighting means to put someone down.  Its wrong to put someone down for your benefit.  Talk kindly, and be nice!  2.  "garbage dumping"- again, whats that?  Its when you bring up the "old garbage" from the past and try and make it the present.  If you have talked it out and decided to let it go, then actually LET IT GO!  Every single time you bring up hurtful things from the past, all those same emotions come back..not a good idea.  3.  "kitchen seat fighting"-thats when you find the thing that hurts the worse and go for that EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Low blows are exactly that....LOW.

5.  Last and final way to keep the marriage together?  Don't allow the flame to burn out.  Keep the relationship fun and exciting.  Try new things.  Talk, take walks, go on dates, etc.  BECAUSE when the flame is going out, people tend to stray.  When someone is truly in love with another, they don't have the desire to cheat, lie, etc.

All I know for sure is, I wish I would have heard this speaker before I got married.  It made me look at my own marriage and the way I treat Greg, and I had to rethink some things.

So, the key to a perfect marriage?  There isn't one.  But according to Brother Sam, these things are all things we should try and work on.  One quote that stood out in my mind.....
                         "Pray that God doesn't let you outlive the love you have for each other."